18 September 2011

yummy! with a side of smoke salmon?

What better than Sunday morning brunch?  You don't need an excuse to roll out of bed late - in my case, 11 - and eat indulgently... with whatever I can find in the kitchen.

This morning? Texas toast sticks (yum! butter), scrambled eggs with potato chips (Jose Andres or some other tapas book), cilantro (Teaism in Washington, DC), and shredded cheddar cheese, pickled jalepenos, and smoked salmon.  Does Sunday morning get much better?


20 December 2009

No need to be shy.

As un-PC as it is, I have to admit: I am a fat person stuck in a skinny person's body. Not that I'm complaining at all! :o)

I *heart* food and Paula Deen. And butter and bacon and bread. You can't let anyone tell you any different - butter + bacon (well, all pork products, really) + bread (carbs: pasta definitely included!) make people happy. How can you not be with all that yummy goodness? True that butter + bacon + bread have little to do with health, but you only live once and if you're happy, smile.

So, here goes a little experiment. I'm not looking for fame or fortune - although it would be nice. I want to chronicle my food journey: cooking, baking, eating. It's a beautiful thing - 'specially when it's with a someone you love.

Let's get our eat on?