20 December 2009

No need to be shy.

As un-PC as it is, I have to admit: I am a fat person stuck in a skinny person's body. Not that I'm complaining at all! :o)

I *heart* food and Paula Deen. And butter and bacon and bread. You can't let anyone tell you any different - butter + bacon (well, all pork products, really) + bread (carbs: pasta definitely included!) make people happy. How can you not be with all that yummy goodness? True that butter + bacon + bread have little to do with health, but you only live once and if you're happy, smile.

So, here goes a little experiment. I'm not looking for fame or fortune - although it would be nice. I want to chronicle my food journey: cooking, baking, eating. It's a beautiful thing - 'specially when it's with a someone you love.

Let's get our eat on?